Discover the benefits of chromotherapy for your pet

Discover the benefits of chromotherapy for your pet
Discover the benefits of chromotherapy for your pet (Photo: Disclosure)

Chromotherapy is an ancient practice adopted by the Egyptians, Hindus, Chinese, and Greeks centuries ago. It was approved by the World Health Organization in 1976 and, after being recognized by Integrative Veterinary Medicine, can be used in the treatment of physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders in pets. It is also recommended for preventing future health problems and maintaining the animal’s well-being.

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“Chromotherapy is the influence of colors through the vibrations they emit, utilizing the animal’s instinct with the energetic vibration of each color. It has an impact on the animal’s condition and is recommended for various treatments, such as calming a stressed animal, providing an environment that the animal enjoys during a visit to the veterinarian, resulting in better responses to treatments,” explains Dr. Karen Collacico Andrade, a veterinarian with over 15 years of experience and a partner at Siriuz Veterinary Hospital.

Due to spending a lot of time alone, many animals may be diagnosed with fear, anxiety, compulsive licking, or even depression, which can be caused by a stressful or monotonous routine, traumas, violence, or the loss of a guardian with whom the animal lived. In such cases, chromotherapy is recommended and can be performed during baths or, depending on the environment, even during a veterinarian visit, as is the case at Siriuz Veterinary Hospital, which offers the practice in all rooms to make pets feel comfortable, calm, and secure.

“The benefits of chromotherapy are numerous, especially when the animal is very stressed. It controls emotions, influences immune improvement, physical and mental relaxation. It is recommended to accelerate postoperative recovery, assist in the treatment of injuries, diseases, depression, anxiety, and helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and intensive therapies,” adds the veterinarian.

The Influence of Colors

According to Dr. Karen Collacico, contrary to what many people think, animals can see some colors. “Humans have more variety in seeing colors, but animals can also see some. Dogs see yellow, blue, and shades of gray; cats can see yellow, blue, and green. Both can see much better in the dark because they have rods in their vision that facilitate seeing in low light conditions.”

In chromotherapy, each color has a benefit. The German scientist Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe discovered in the 18th century that each color tone can be used for a specific treatment. For example, blue is recommended for anxiety, stress, and nervousness; violet strengthens the immune system and helps treat fears, phobias, traumas, and fatigue; green is indicated for the treatment of general pain and respiratory problems; yellow is advised for the treatment of indigestion and ulcers; red for depression and anemias; and orange helps in the treatment of depression, adaptation phases due to loss or introduction of a new animal.

But color treatment also has caveats, so it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian whom the pet feels comfortable and trusts.

Siriuz Veterinary Hospital

With the aim of better serving your pet, Siriuz Veterinary Hospital is coming, and the facility includes offices, laboratory and imaging exams, a surgical center, and internment; with trained professionals to offer the best care for your pet and also for guardians. Every space in the veterinary hospital was designed for the pet to feel comfortable and calm for routine consultations or for specific procedures.

The new hospital also has a five-thousand-liter cistern in the parking lot, which supplies all toilets and faucets in the outdoor area; a solar panel that provides heated water, saving electricity and follows all terms related to lightning safety. The inauguration of the Hospital will be on January 6, 2024, at 68 Cruzeiro Street, in the center of Tatuí.

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